Friday, September 16, 2011

My apologies....

...for being so bad about posting!! This whole "move to a new city" has really cut into my usual schedule of "sit around and do nothing" (which happened to leave a lot of time for blogging). But don't worry, internet, I am still alive! And I have a lot of posts brewing in my head, but no time to actually write them out. 

However, I will not leave you today with out the latest German anecdote. Today while telling the family I'm currently living with about Georgia, the father proclaimed "oh we've been to Atlanta! Well, we had a layover at the airport. There were so many black people there!" As if the most exciting thing about the whole of the Atlanta airport - the busiest airport in the US - was the amount of black people roaming around. And, to top it all off, about an hour later while listening to some Michael Jackson: "He has such a wide range. I mean, it's not all just black music or any one style, it's so many different ones."
Oh silly Germany! The combination of your directness and lack of certain ethnic demographics always makes for the best comments. 

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