I left the assignment pretty loose. I told them they could ask questions about how life had changed or they could tell about their life now, whatever they might want to ask or say to themselves in 4 years. And the results were pretty amazing!
I decided to share some of my favorite letters with you guys, but before we get to that, I feel the need for a little disclaimer:
I'm NOT posting these to make fun of the students in anyway. If anything, I was overall really impressed with the letters. The cutest part, on the whole, were the things they decided to talk about, and not the language mistakes. While the mistakes may enhance the adorableness of the letters, you have to remember that these kids are 11 and 12 years old and have been learning English for just over 1 year. If you had asked me to write a letter like this after 1 year of learning German. Well, I'm not sure it would have even been understandable. Also, I currently spend my life speaking a foreign language on a regular basis. And I make a lot of mistakes. So I know just as well as the next guy, what it's like to try to learn a new language.
Also, my roommate is keeping a running list of the ridiculous things I say in German, so I feel like that's a freebie for keeping a list of my own.
Dear Ewa,My life is cool I'm in the class 6c. It's the year 2012. My
How are you?
I'm fine. I found the world is good in my time, but how is it in your time. I play handball and chess and I play piano too. How is it, to live? Can cars fly? Is Dortmund german cup winner? Text me back with the answers! Whats your hobbies.
Love, Fabian
Dear Anika,
i'am 12 in 2012. I like purple, grey, black and peace. I love my family and my friends. I don't like spinach. I have a dog. I have brown haars. My Hobbys are skating, drawing, meeting friends, play football, sport, ice-skating and...
Love Anika
Dear my self,
I have got some questions?
How tall will i bee?
Wil i have a drivers license?
How old will i be?
In witsh class will i be?
Can cars fly in 2016?
Love, Simon
Dear Linus,
How old are you? I'm 11
Do you play football? I play football by SC Husen-Hurl
Do you have a appartment? I haven't a appartment because I'm 11.
I'm leaving in Husen, you?
Dear Marcel in 2016,
Today I'm twelve and I'm in clas six. I play in the U12 of BVB. My favorite film is today Hangover. What is your favorite Film today and are you play still Football? Do you now still Tobias and your old team in the U12?
Love, Marcel in 2012
Dear Simon,
In this moment I was 2012, how old are you? I am played football, you? I am had very good Noten. Write you good Noten? I am had thyrty-three hours in the school, how much have you? I am live in Dortmund, you too? My best friends are Linus, Felix and Malte and you? Good luck!
Love, Simon
Not gonna lie, my absolute favorite line in the bunch is "I haven't a appartment because I'm 11." Kids are awesome.
Just makes me smile :) I love the little mistakes so much that I often don't correct my kids and my host dad always has to remind me to call them out on their mistakes haha
This definately proves Germans are football crazy ha ha! I also have a sneaking suspicion we may be living in a world with flying cars in the not too distant future!
This is so cute, and those kids are so good at English! I love Simon's i's. Cute post!
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