Thursday, February 16, 2012

My kind of souvenir

I'm not big on souvenirs. They always just end up being things I'll never use and eventually just feel guilty about when I throw out or pack away (I could make a pretty intense hoarder, if I wanted). So my solution to avoiding this dilemma is to just not buy souveniry-souvenirs.

I prefer to buy things that I can use that may not actually say "I <3 NY" or "Mind the gap." Things I can use and always think about where they came from. Some of my favorite souvenirs are things like my Freitag bag from Zurich, my scarf from my Paris, or any of the mugs I've stolen from Oktoberfest (hey, those are TOTALLY practical items to keep handy!). 
My latest of these "practical souvenirs" was from my recent trip to Hamburg with my roommate. We went to this great little make-it-yourself jewelry shop called Nuenas. All the parts were provided for you, and you had to do all the assembly yourself. You could make any piece of jewelry you wanted, so I naturally opted for earrings.   There were sooooooooo many beads and options available, though, and it was all quite overwhelming at first (ok, actually it was overwhelming the whole time.)
about 2 hours and 3 different attempts later, I had finally settled on the beads that I wanted to use. It was insane to realize just how difficult it was to put it all together. Usually, you see a pair of earrings in the store and think "oh that's cute, I bet I could make that." But, suffice it to say I now have a much greater respect for people who make jewelry. All the mixing and matching and even the teeny tiny details like what sort of divider piece should go here, or should there even be one there!

But eventually I found my pieces, and took them to the craft table where I strung them on the wire, clipped everything to the right length and bent it, twisted it, and hooked it so that it was actually an earring (I told you had to do EVERYTHING yourself!). And I have to say, I'm pretty proud of my finished result! 

Now I have a great new souvenir that will always remind me of my trip to Hamburg as well as be totally unique! 


Jenni Austria Germany said...

your freitag bag!! i miss it. i will always think of you when i see a freitag bag, or a swatch watch.

Sarah said...

I love having souvenirs that are practical. I usually just buy clothes though because I don't think I could make jewelry. Haha.

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...


And way to go on the earrings - they look so professional! Or professional isn't the right word but you know, bought from a fancy store!

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