Friday, June 17, 2011

I couldn't make this up if I tried

While out shopping today, I decided to waste a little time perusing the movies/music section. And much to my cultural-difference-spotting delight, I stumbled upon this gem of a musical genre, as seen by German marketing:
oh so many things to say, yet no amount of words seem to do it justice. Instead I will just bask in the totally not racist marketing ploys of my current country of residence. 
This genre, I guess unsurprisingly, is compiled solely of Rap/R&B. And I especially like that a good majority of the CDs (you know, the ones that aren't R. Kelly, Notorious B.I.G., and Eminem) are German artists. I mean really, that's just lolz.
Something like this wouldn't last 2 minutes in the US without a lawsuit, so I just love seeing it as an officially accepted label in a very prominent store here! 

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