Tuesday, October 11, 2011

the 2nd drag show I've ever hosted in a church

The first, of course, being the SAI drag show in the UGA chapel. an event we were all sworn never to speak of again (oops...).

This time around, it was at the PAD orientation.

What's that? You're a second year and you attended orientation? but I thought it explicitly said you could only attend as a first year ETA. 

Yes, you may only participate in the orientation preceding your first year as an ETA, but if you stay on for a second year you have the chance to come back as the seasoned, all-knowing Ehemalige (alum, vet, former ETA, etc.) to impart your wisdom on the fresh young minds that are to be spread across Germany corrupting the youth through the English language. Plus you get free meals, 40€, and a pretty sweet watch.
Yeah, so that's what I did. 

Aside from imparting wisdom and sprinkling the seeds of enthusiasm for teaching, your duties include mainly 2 things: running the bar every night and hosting the last night's activity. From previous experience and collective stories of others the usual picks are either a talent show or a quiz of sorts. But, being the awesome group of Ehemaligen that we were, we wanted to really up the bar and put on something that was both unique and entertaining. 

And thus was born the orientation drag show. And as orientation is hosted entirely at a church, the dichotomy between the setting and the event taking place was hilariously (inappropriately?) predominant from start to finish... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like how there is a crucifix behind the drag queens!

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