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Where does a pirate go for pancakes?
Bremen, of course.
Well, I guess they're not pancakes in the American sense of the word - but it's really the best translation for the wonder that is the German Pfannkuchen. And in Bremen, not only do they have delicious Pfannkuchen, they have delicious Pfannkuchen on a pirate ship! Of course, the magicness of the Pfannkuchen pirate ship didn't stop with the food. After returning from the pirate bathroom (no really, the sink was a barrel!), I saw a pirate hat, eye patch, flag and battle ax thing. So what did I do? Put it all on and unabashedly posed for pictures in the middle of the pirate ship.
No, you don't need to tell me how cool I am, I know....
Many people might find such an attraction a little kitschy, but I give it two pirate thumbs up and would recommend it to anyone headed to Bremen! Plus their Pfannkuchen really are delicious.
Pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his crotch. Bartender says, "Hey Pirate, why do you have a steering wheel in your crotch?"
Pirate says, "ARRRRG its drivin' me nuts!"
I love Pfannkuchen with just butter, like so yum. That place looks awesome!
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