Thursday, February 3, 2011


So I had this whole post typed out about figuring out what to do with my life and finding my purpose blah blah blah.

But then it occurred to me: nobody really cares.

Besides, all I really want to tell you is that I have accomplished greatness this week.

No, I'm not talking about the all lessons I planned, I'm not talking about the fact that I sent off my first post-fulbright (but still not full time) job application. I'm not even referring to the amazing CV I put together.

No, no... All those things pale in comparison to my greatest achievement this week: kettle corn. I don't even mean that I found microwave kettle corn here (child's play) I'm talking, home made (popped?), sprinkled with love, stove top kettle corn!

Where did I get such amazing inspiration, you might ask. Well, Gemma and I have been to the movies a lot recently and when you order popcorn at the theater you get asked "salty or
sweet?" What a brilliant idea! So we usually get sweet, which led to me craving it outside the

theater as well.

So I turned to a trusted friend, one who is always there to answer my questions when I find myself groping in the dark for answers. Google. However, the best Google got me was "get a popcorn machine" and "just get microwave kettle corn."

I set out on my own, changing sugar amounts, adding it at different times, for four days, until finally - it was perfect!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't usually say this but I'm pretty impressed!

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